Website for AMSC/Math 420, Sections 0101, Spring 2022
Mathematical Modeling

This website constitutes the official syllabus for this course.

Lectures: 11:00am - 11:50am Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in MTH 0106

Instructor: Professor David Levermore  
Office: ATL 4309 (Atlantic Bldg) and MTH 3313 (Kirwan Hall)
Email: (Please include ``Math 420'' in the subject heading.)

Assistant: Mansur Shakipov
Office: MTH 4423 (Kirwan Hall)
Email: (Please include ``Math 420'' in the subject heading.)

The Headlines

The Details

Lectures                 Homework
Projects                 Grading and Academic Integrity
Description and Prerequisites                 Attendance and Withdrawal
Levermore Office Hours                        

Updated 15 March 2022