AMSC/Math 420 Description and Prerequisites

UM Undergraduate Catalog Course Description

Math 420, Mathematical Modeling (3 credits) The course will develop skills in mathematical modeling through practical experience. Students will work in groups on specific projects involving real-life problems that are accessible to their existing mathematical backgrounds. In addition to the development of mathematical models, emphasis will be placed on the use of computational methods to investigate these models, and effective oral and written presentation of the results.

Course Prerequisites

Students will be expected to work with Matlab, Mathematica, Maple, SAS, R, or some other high-level computer language. It is helpful to have taken either AMSC 460 (Scientific Computing) or AMSC 466 (Numerical Analysis).

Our More Detailed Description

This is a course on data-driven mathematical modeling as a process, not as a collection of techniques. Students will work in teams on projects motivated by real-life problems, and will, with the aid of the instructor, complete the entire process from analyzing data to formulating mathematical models calabrated from that data to mathematical, statistial, and computational analysis of these models to oral and written presentation of the results. Some background in linear algebra, ordinary differential equations, basic probability and statistics, and computational methods is expected. Additional mathematics will be introduced as dictated by the projects.